Redstone Sunshine is a guest of Xinhua News Agency's

2023-06-30 13:29:05

On the afternoon of December 27, 2016, Mr. Han Liguang, CEO of Redstone Sunshine, visited the studio of “China New Third Board” of Xinhua News Agency and discussed the new three boards with the host. The broad development prospects of the market, and shared the corporate values of Redstone Sunshine and the company's vision for the future.


Redstone Sunshine (stock code: 838371) is a professional DM/FOTA solution provider that has been focused on the development of RS-DM and RS-OTA. The company was founded in 2011 and successfully listed on the National SME Share Transfer System on August 9, 2016. As a professional OTA service provider, Hongshi Sunshine will continue to deepen its main business, foster innovation, actively seek and optimize the business model of the industry chain, and comprehensively promote the company's business and value.

It is worth mentioning that more than 80% of Hongshi Sunshine is a technician, which provides a strong guarantee for Redstone Sunshine products. The core component of RS-DM is the Redstone Sunshine DM engine, which is characterized by stability. RS DM adopts a layered architecture in technology, which can well support OMA's definition of DM, and can meet the different needs of DMs of major operators around the world.

It can support OMA DM1.1.2 and 1.2, OMA CP 1.1 and OMA DL1.0, fully meeting the needs of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. Redstone Sunshine is also a member of the OMA organization. The OMA DM protocol can help various types of devices to interconnect data between different types of networks, and is especially suitable for the centralized management of a large number of terminal devices.

Redstone Sunshine is also the OTA platform for IoT equipment management. The main product, Redstone FOTA, not only fully adapts to mainstream chip platforms such as Qualcomm, MTK, Spreadtrum, etc., but also fully enters the fields of smart wear, smart car, smart home, etc., to realize all intelligent hardware. Wireless upgrade.

After the listing of the new three boards, what benefits and expectations have it brought to Redstone Sunshine? In fact, the listing of the New Third Board is basically in line with expectations for Redstone Sunshine. From the perspective of corporate governance structure, the company constantly insists on strengthening its standardized operation on the basis of quality, standardization, high efficiency and corporate values. At the same time, under the premise of maintaining professional brand image and strength, the company is more credible.


The "China New Third Board" column is in response to the State Council's major strategy of vigorously promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation, spreading the voice of Chinese SMEs, showing the image of Chinese SMEs, and establishing the typical example of Chinese SMEs in the country and around the world. The launch of a daily video section, broadcasted by Xinhua News Agency's China Xinhua News Network (CNC) to more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and simultaneously released on

The capital market pays more attention to the long-term development space of the company. In the future, Redstone Sunshine will continue to strengthen its industrial chain layout with the help of capital, and develop and win-win together with the capital market.


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